Progress requires change! Progress also means evolution: Constantly adapting as a company to the context in which you operate. Change is the order of the day. It requires vision and guts to implement a transformation.
Creating movement: communicate a clear dot on the horizon, leadership with courage at the helm of change providing opportunity for employees to experience ‘the change’. To have no fear of turbulence and squeaky wheels but to believe in the essence of change and to be successful in a new future. I’m continuously inspired by looking around me, by colleagues and by Game Changers.
Live Better – Lead Better!
For leaders to be adaptable to continuous change it requires a ‘healthy mind in a healthy body’! According to the World Economic Forum resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility are one of the top 10 required 2025 skills! Did you know that an imbalance influences the performance of the executive functions of leaders such as emotional control, planning & prioritization, agility?
By facilitating leaders to become more aware of their daily behaviour a 50% uplift in the decision-making and dealing with emotions can be realized.
Have a look at the attached slide deck and share your thoughts on this topic with us!

Our Iceberg is melting…has your organisation found a new iceberg?
Years ago, I took a change management masterclass at Nyenrode with John Kotter in the main role. This was the moment he introduced his newest book: Our Iceberg is melting. This edition was revolutionary at the time in the academic world, where books with a lot of pictures and little text weren’t considered as ‘the standard’. I could imagine that John Kotter brought this book to his publisher with trembling knees. He could’ve probably never predicted that his book with the penguins would turn into one of the most inspiring stories in regard to change leadership.
I still regularly read this book. The simplicity of the eight-step process and the recognisability of the characters continue to fascinate me: Alice, Buddy, the Professor and NoNo.
What’s your foundation?
In spring 2017, I took an ‘M-power yourself’ masterclass at Curious You led by Philo Hermans. Aside from the fact that Philo is already an inspiring lady, she helped me to further develop my brand and service in the People & Change field. A home as a brand metaphor: Every layer of the house, from the foundation to the roof, is connected to values I consider important. It’s pretty hard to define what you stand for in a few keywords. Those who are best at judging whether I’ve managed are those who know me!
If only Organisation Transformation was as enthusiastically received as Self-Transformation!
When you talk to an individual about changes in their lives they made themselves, you experience positive energy: getting fit to run a marathon, take up another career, pursue a study, etc.?
The plans are made, so are the sacrifices and the results are achieved. All lights are green and the change is embraced because you have a large influence on achieving your goals. So why is that the moment an organisation announces a change, you can literally hear the energy drain out of the employees, feel the resistance and literally and figuratively see the shoulders droop?
Perhaps the key is in the words “ourpose, chosen yourself and exerting influence”. I don’t have an immediate answer, but in several change processes, I had made use of the Rubler Ross Change Curve for deciding on my communication interventions.

H@RM, the transformation of a HR director to CHRO
Emphasising the necessary changes within HR by using story telling: creating a story where H@RM (as a metaphor for the HR profession) manages to transform into a superhero from an underdog position. This series was about H@RM’s, the HR director’s, search. You recognise his thought process, the evolution of his behaviour and the change management approach. His character and struggles are described with a nod to reality. All adventures lead to a true climax. And the ending, you’ll have to read it yourself.
This series was written a few years ago, but I do still feel some recognition in regards to the way HR itself has transformed, judge for yourself.