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Team Coaching

When you go on a journey, you’re just on your way to that dot on the horizon. You’re somewhere in the middle. Sometimes, a situation arises which teams are unable to effectively adapt to a change. They must let go of the old while they haven’t yet arrived at the new situation. There are proverbial obstacles on the path.

This mindset hinders change. The middle management plays a crucial role in change processes, but often feels insufficiently equipped to implement the change. To realise change, middle managers need the right tools at their disposal. Gaining insight into your personal leadership style, for example, is especially essential for managers in change processes.

TalentCycle offers insights and provides suggestions on how to use the strengths and energy as a team and as an individual and to negate pitfalls in change processes. Together with ‘best of breed’ suppliers, a custom programme is drafted.


In team coaching, we regularly use workshops:

  • custom
  • part of change
  • eye for human behaviour
  • teamwork
  • on site/off site

You are not lost, you are on the way!
You are on your way!

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